December 29, 2011

Smile Resolutions for a Raleigh New Year

Are you happy with your smile? Do you have any dentistry you have been putting off? Why not make us part of your New Year’s resolution list? We can replace old metal fillings with beautiful, healthier tooth colored restorations; replace missing teeth with the innovation of dental implants; perfect your smile with amazing porcelain veneers or even just help keep your smile healthy with our regular exams, screenings and cleanings. In fact, your teeth are probably a little out of shape from all the holiday eating you have been doing, so why schedule your cleaning right now? Then, while you are here, find out more about all the ways we can get your smile glowing in 2012. Call us in Raleigh at 919-786-6766 to schedule your appointment, or visit for more information.

1 comment:

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